Global History Journals
Global History Journals in China and Taiwan
Historical Research 历史研究 is the main historical academic journal of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 中国社会科学院学. It was launched as a bimonthly journal in 1954, having Guo Moruo 郭沫若 (1892–1978) as the first chairman of the editorial board and Yin Da 尹达 (1906–1983) as editor-in-chief. Its current editor-in-chief is Li Guoqiang 李国强. The journal mainly published articles about ancient and modern Chinese history, world history, historiographical theory, history of historiography, various disciplinary histories, but also book reviews, reading notes, and overviews of recent historical research.
World History 世界历史 is a journal edited by the Institute for World History at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. It was founded in 1978 and is currently headed by editor-in-chief Zhang Shunhong 张顺洪, a specialist on British history. The journal appears on a bimonthly basis with 160 pages per issue.
The Historiographical Bimonthly 史学理论研究 is edited by the Institute of Historiography of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 中国社会科学院学历史理论研究所. Its predecessor journal was founded in 1987 by Hu Sheng 胡绳 (1928–2000) under the name Historiography 史学理论, but was suspended in 1989 due to the central government’s tightened media policies. The Historiographical Bimonthly has been published under the current Chinese name (“Historiographical Research”) since 1992 and is China’s only periodical dedicated to the theory and methodology of history. The journal’s current editor-in-chief is Yu Pei 于沛, a specialist in Russian history and global historiography.
The journal also regularly holds academic activities. In 2006, the journal invited Guy Alitto to speak about “Post-modern intellectual trends and historiography.” In 2009, it invited Lorina Repina, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, to give a lecture on ”Theoretical bases and prospects for development for historiography at the beginning of the new millennium.” Among the conferences it held are “Historiography in the 20th century: Looking back and looking forward” 二十世纪的历史学:回顾与展望 (2001, in cooperation with Nanjing University), “Modernization and Historiography” 现代化与历史学 (2005, in cooperation with Zhejiang Normal University), and the yearly National Conferences on Historiography 全国史学理论研讨会, of which the 24th edition was held at Guangxi Normal University on October 2021.
History Teaching 历史教学 is a journal published by Tianjin Publishing and Media Group. Published since 1951, with an interruption between 1966 and 1978, it is one of China’s oldest academic journals in the field of history. Since 2007, it appears in two editions, one dedicated to history teaching at middle school level, issued in the first half of each month, and one dedicated to university-level history teaching, issued in the second half of the month. The journal’s goals is to provide a professional journal to those engaged in the teaching of history with special regard to its usefulness in teaching.
The Newsletter of Institute for Global History at Beijing Foreign Studies University 北京外国语大学全球史研究院通讯 is a bimonthly publication edited by the Institute for Global History (IGH) at Beijing Foreign Studies University (北京外国语大学) since 2015. Apart from articles on topics of global history, the newsletter carries a number of book reviews, conference reports, and reports on the academic activities of the IGH.
The Journal of Literature, History & Philosophy 文史哲 is a monthly comprehensive humanities journal edited and published by Shandong University. It is one of the oldest and most prestigious liberal arts academic journals in the PRC. Having an emphasis in classical sinological research, it covers a broad range of humanities topics. First published in 1951, publication of the journal was interrupted in 1959 and between 1966 and 1973. Since 2006, the editor-in-chief is Wang Xuedian 王学典, the director of the Advanced Institute for Confucian Studies at Shandong University and a member of the 13th CPPCC.
The journal has served as the platform for several of the most prominent academic disputes in the PRC. These include the debates on the periodization of China’s ancient history, on the history of peasants’ wars in Chinese revolution, about the origins of capitalism, on whether Confucianism is a religion, on the relationship between Confucianism and liberalism, and others. Since 2008, the journal has promoted a number of conferences on humanities subjects, including, since 2015, an annual conference on the ‘top ten issues in studies on Chinese humanities.’
Since 2014, the journal has an English-language extension published by Brill under the title Journal of Chinese Humanities. The English-language journal aims to represent current research coming out of mainland China to foreign audiences, primarily publishing articles from Chinese scholars working at Chinese institutions. At the same time, it also includes articles from foreign authors providing different perspectives.
The Global History Review 全球史评论 has been published by the Global History Center 全球史研究中心 of Capital Normal University 首都师范大学 since 2008. Originally an annual publication, the journal has been edited semiannually since 2015, forming a total of 20 volumes (until 2021). The journal’s editor-in-chief is Liu Xincheng 刘新成, who acted as the Capital Normal University’s president between 2008 and 2013. According to its self-description, the journal is dedicated to promoting the global historical approach and methodology within the field of history in China, and encourages research of transcultural, transnational, and longue-durée history. It uncovers civilizational interactions and exchanges on a global level, and analyzes political, economic, and cultural processes of globalization, as well as the mutual influences between global and local conditions.